And I spent less than $100 at Coffee Buy the Book today.
Three of these were book club selections (The Freedom Writers Diary by Erin Gruwell, The Birth of Venus by Sarah Dunant, and The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon). She has all the Edenwilde book club selections in except for The Good German, I think.
I bought Cormac McCarthy's The Road because when I looked at the Pulitzer Prize winners list from Babs, it was the only winner from the last ten or so years that I hadn't read. I really disliked his trilogy books, which is why I hadn't picked it up before.
On Jen's suggestion, I got a used paperback copy of Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth.
I used to love Anne Tyler's books when I was a teenager and in college but haven't read one in years, so I'm trying out Digging to America.
I also bought Stephen Colbert's I Am America and So Can You. Nuff said.
I heard an interview with Alice Sebold about her new book, The Almost Moon so I asked about it, and they are ordering it.
Now I wish it would rain for about a week so I could stay in with some tea and work my way through these. . .
Yippee! It looks like I should buy Pillars of the Earth and put it on the top of my "to read" list, so I can be up to speed for the next one.
Me again. I was reading one of my feeds and came across a comment about Sebold and a review of her newest book. The blogger is NOT a Sebold fan. It was interesting. Here is the link, if you want to check it out.
Hey Babs, I read it this weekend, and it is one of those quick reads that keeps you going and going, and then, WHAM! it's over and you don't know what happened -- you're left hanging sort of, or at the very least disappointed. I hated the protagonist (really stupid choices and wondering if she was the mentally ill person in the story). . .
Babs, that review was hysterical. I don't remember much about Lovely Bones, so it didn't feel like a re-read to me. I just had a hard time feeling anything for the main character.
Uh OH, This is what I get for not reading all the comments on the blog more regularly. I just bought The Almost Moon and now am learning that it is getting slammed all over the place. That is what I get!!!
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